Tag: promotions
Pentagon chief warns Iran of ‘serious consequences’ if it attacks Israel Top Headlines
Pentagon chief warns Iran of ‘serious consequences’ if it attacks Israel Top Headlines Iran has warned Israel against “full-scale military aggression” in Lebanon and said it would lead to an “obliterating war”, the Islamic republic’s United Nations mission said. “All options, [including] the full involvement of all Resistance Fronts, are on the table,” the mission…
What are the promotions in the Indian Army? How are they?
Indian Army 1. Promotion Hierarchy: – Soldiers/Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs): – Lance Naik → Naik → Havildar → Naib Subedar → Subedar → Subedar Major – Junior Commissioned Officers (JCOs): – Second Lieutenant → Lieutenant → Captain → Major → Lieutenant Colonel → Colonel → Brigadier → Major General → Lieutenant General → General (Chief of…